Puppy Paks are available for purchase on a pre-order basis to all Current and Past Puppy clients. We have put together some basic items that will get your puppy started off right and its a fun present to take home for you and your pup. These items are sold at lower than retail value so buying in a pak saves you money vs. buying from the big box stores individually. Each pak is customized to your needs based on your preferences and current inventory. You may mix and match in any way you like. I need 2 weeks advance notice to order items not in Inventory. Some Examples Below:
Extra Large Puppy Pak
Includes: Kong Shopping Bag Kong Alligator--Extra Large 2 Fashion Puppy Bowls-Medium (Not shown) Adjustable Collar-Medium Kong Squiggles Toy-Medium Spiked Teeth Cleaning Bone Kong Fillable Puppy Chew (with 2 easy treats) Kong Tennis Ball
Large Puppy Pak
Includes: Kong Shopping Bag Kong Alligator--Medium 2 Fashion Puppy Bowls-Medium (Not shown) Kong Squiggles Toy-Small Spiked Teeth Cleaning Bone Kong Fillable Puppy Chew (with 2 easy treats)
Small Puppy Pak
Includes: Kong Shopping Bag Kong Alligator--Small Kong Binkie Science Diet Jerky Treats or similar Kong Squeeky Frog--Extra Small